Current Borrowers


Small Business Loans

As an organization committed to creating access to capital for Latino entrepreneurs, we feel it is critical to share a look at the state of Latino-owned businesses. We encourage everyone to ask themselves if they are stepping up to support Latino small business growth and success.

Did you know?

  • There are more than 4 million Latino entrepreneurs in the nation.
  • In California, a quarter of all businesses are owned by Hispanic entrepreneurs. But in spite of this entrepreneurial clout, Latino businesses account for just 6.5 percent of receipts and sales in the state. 
  • Latino businesses are currently driving over $660 billion into the U.S. economy annually.
  • Latino entrepreneurs are outpacing the growth of all other businesses in the U.S. by 3-to-1.
  • Potential to add $1.47 trillion to the U.S. economy if Latino entrepreneurs had the same access to resources and opportunity as their counterparts.

“Overall numbers are increasing, but Hispanic entrepreneurs still struggle to grow their individual businesses,” said Robert Villarreal, senior vice president of community development at CDC Small Business Finance. 

“Because of this, we work closely to provide solid loan options, and we couple this with business advising as well as mentoring opportunities. When you’re a small business owner, there’s tremendous power in connecting with others who have succeeded.”

How to Help Level the Playing Field for Latino Entrepreneurs

To learn more watch the slideshow:

If you are a Hispanic entrepreneur seeking a business loan, CDC Small Business Finance can help. Tell our loan experts about your business, and they’ll work to match you with a financing plan that best suits you. Let’s talk! Reach us at or (619) 243-8667


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Inside CDC: Our Culture and Employees are the Foundation of our Success
Buying a Building as Business and Retirement Strategy Too Often Overlooked by Small Business Owners
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