Are you looking into a small business loan? Before filling out an application, you’ll want to know whether you have a high enough credit score to qualify for financing. And if your score is not quite there yet, don’t give up – you have the power to fix your credit yourself.
Believe it or not, you don’t need a credit-repair company to spot and correct common credit issues. Financial experts with proven methods will walk you through this very process in this multi-part video series, produced by us, CDC Small Business Finance.
We know your time is valuable. Each video is four minutes or less, so you’ll be equipped with a practical plan and actionable steps — after investing just two to 15 minutes of your time.
Take me to the video series now
What you’ll learn from this credit-repair series
- 5 tips for fixing your credit for free,
- How long negative information stays on your credit report,
- 3 key things to consider when fixing your credit
- And more.
Related: How to fix your credit score yourself to boost odds of getting a small business loan
Why you should trust us
CDC Small Business Finance is not just a leading small business lender and nonprofit with 40 years of lending experience. We are also consumer advocates. This means we only provide sustainable, affordable loans to small business borrowers. Along with that, we believe in educating our would-be and existing clients in Financial 101 to ensure they are putting their best financial foot forward during the loan process and beyond.
Are you ready to explore a small business loan and live in California, Arizona and Nevada? Get in touch with one of our loan experts about your business, and they’ll work to match you with a financing plan that best suits you. Reach us at or (619) 243-8667.
In case you missed it:
- Your 2019 Small Business Forecast Straight from the Industry Experts at Leading Lender CDC Small Business Finance
- 2018 Year in Review: Marking 40 years in small business lending, other confetti-worthy milestones
- How to Choose the Right Bank Account for Your Business
- Small Business Owners: Don’t Let These 4 Common Issues Spoil Your Tax Season
- Before you get an online business loan, ask yourself, do I really need the money this quickly?
- Need a business loan? Start with SBA’s easy, fast loan ‘matchmaker’ tool